The website Business Insider recently published an article highlighting the five best states to work in if you are a women (along with the five worst). According to the survey Washington, D.C. tops the list, followed by Maryland, Massachusettes, New Jersey and Connecticut. The bottom five include Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Idaho and, toping the list of the worst, West Virginia. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research – author of the report highlighted in the article – focused on data including average income and percentage of women in managerial roles. New York ranked sixth on the list, just missing the top 5.
It is not surprising to see Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states topping the list, however women in those states surely recognize that, while they may “rank” high, they are certainly not without instances of discrimination in employment. As we have highlighted numerous times on this site, women in New York are often victims of gender (sex) and pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, and, more frequently, are retaliated against for taking leave that is protected under the Family & Medical Leave Act (“FMLA“).
While it is good to see that women in New York and its surrounding states are doing comparatively well, experience shows that we still have some distance to travel to eliminate employment discrimination against women in the workplace.
Representing plaintiffs in employment and serious injury matters.